죄송합니다. [joe-song-hap-mi-da]
죄송 [joe-song] means “apology”, “being sorry” or “feeling ashamed”, and 합니다 [hap-ni-da] means “I do”, so 죄송합니다 [joe-song-hap-ni-da] means “I am sorry.” or “I apologize.”
죄송합니다 is NOT always “I’m sorry”.
Even though 죄송합니다 [joe-song-hap-ni-da] is BASICALLY “I’m sorry”, you can’t use 죄송합니다 when you want to say “I am sorry to hear that.”
If you say “I’m sorry.” after you hear a piece of bad news from your Korean friend, he or she might say “Why are YOU apologizing for that?” to you.
This is because 죄송합니다 ONLY means “I apologize.”, “It was my bad.”, “Excuse me.” or “I shouldn’t have done that.” It can never mean “I’m sorry to hear that.”
저기요. [jeo-gi-yo]
is an expression that can be translated to “Excuse me” but this Korean expression, 저기요 is ONLY used for situations like (1) when you want to get someone’s attention and talk to them or let them know something or
(2) when you want to call the waiter in a restaurant or a cafe to order something.
How do you say “Excuse me.” when you want to pass through?
You can say:
잠시만요. [jam-si-man-yo] (literal meaning: “Just a second.”)
죄송합니다. [joe-song-ham-ni-da] (literal meaning: “I am sorry.”)
잠깐만요. [jam-kkan-man-yo] (literal meaning: “Just a second.”)
** Yes, “jamsimanyo” and “jamkkanmanyo” are the same thing.
이에요 / 예요 [i-e-yo / ye-yo]
이에요 and 예요 have a similar role to that of the English verb “to be”. The fundamental difference, however, is the sentence structure that they are used in.
Korean sentence structure:
ABC + DEF + [be]
** DEF is a noun here.
이거 ABC예요. [i-geo ABC-ye-yo] = This is ABC.
In English, the verb “to be” is changed to “am” “are” or “is” depending on the subject of the sentence, but in Korean, you decide whether to use 이에요 [i-e-yo] or 예요 [ye-yo] depending on whether the last letter in the previous word ended in a consonant or a vowel.
Final consonant + 이에요 [i-e-yo]
No final consonant (Only vowel) + 예요 [ye-yo]
Sample sentences
>물이에요. = 물 + 이에요 [mul + i-e-yo]
(It’s) water.
>가방이에요. = 가방 + 이에요 [ga-bang + i-e-yo]
(It’s) a bag.
>사무실이에요. = 사무실 + 이에요 [sa-mu-sil + i-e-yo]
(It’s) an office.
>학교예요. = 학교 + 예요 [hak-gyo + ye-yo]
(It’s) a school.
>저예요. = 저 + 예요 [jeo + ye-yo]
(It’s) me.
You can also make this a question simply by raising the tone at the end of the sentence.
물이에요. [mul-i-e-yo] = It’s water.
물이에요? [mul-i-e-yo?] = Is that water? Is this water?
학교예요. [hak-gyo-ye-yo] = It’s a school.
학교예요? [hak-yo-ye-yo] = Is it a school? Are you at school now?
뭐 [mwo] = what
뭐예요? [mwo-ye-yo?] = What is it? What’s that?
Rabu, 04 Juli 2012
Senin, 02 Juli 2012
Super Junior 6Jib
aaaa~~~ jinjja...
finally the 6jib has been out~~ thanks so much for chingudeul who make the video on YT so we can enjoy the songs for free ;p
this is the track list for the 6jib of our Super Junior
1. Sexy, Free, & Single
here is the official MV of Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single
2. From U
3. Gulliver
4. Someday
5. Now
6. Rockstar
7. Bittersweet
8. Butterfly
9. Daydream
10. A 'Good' Bye
finally the 6jib has been out~~ thanks so much for chingudeul who make the video on YT so we can enjoy the songs for free ;p
this is the track list for the 6jib of our Super Junior
1. Sexy, Free, & Single
here is the official MV of Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single
2. From U
3. Gulliver
4. Someday
5. Now
6. Rockstar
7. Bittersweet
8. Butterfly
9. Daydream
10. A 'Good' Bye
Jumat, 29 Juni 2012
MV Teaser Super Junior Sexy, Free & Single
The Super Junior's Sexy, Free, & Single has revealed~~
it's so cool ><
SM has upload the highlight too~
Rabu, 27 Juni 2012
Korean Lesson part I
Today I will publish about Korean Lesson. i'm sorry since i forget where i found this. i'm not the one who make this lesson. just wanna help you by re-share it on my blog. :)
안녕하세요.[an-nyeong] [ha-se-yo] = Hello. / Hi. / How are you? / Good afternoon. / Good evening. /
안녕[an-nyeong]= well-being, peace, health
하세요 [ha-se-yo]= you do, do you?, please do
안녕하세요 is the most common way of greeting someone in Korean, and 안녕하세요 is in 존댓말 [jondaetmal], polite/formal language. When someone greets you with 안녕하세요, you can simply greet the person back with 안녕하세요.
Sample Conversation
A: 안녕하세요. [annyeong-haseyo] = Hello.
B: 안녕하세요. [annyeong-haseyo] = Hi.
감사합니다.[gam-sa] [hap-ni-da] = Thank you.
감사 [gam-sa] = appreciation, thankfulness, gratitude
합니다 [hap-ni-da] = I do, I am doing
In Korean, “Yes” is 네 [ne] and “No” is 아니요 [aniyo] in 존댓말 [jondaetmal], polite language.
네. [ne] = Yes.
아니요. [aniyo] = No.
But in Korean, when people say “네”, it is not the same as saying “Yes.” in English. The same goes for “아니요” too. This is because the Korean “네” expresses your “agreement” to what the other person said. And “아니요” expresses your “disagreement” or “denial” to what the other person said.
네. [ne] = That’s right. / I agree. / Sounds good. / What you said is correct.
아니요. [aniyo] = That’s not right. / I don’t agree. / What you said is not correct.
Sample sentences:
커피 좋아해요? [keo-pi jo-a-hae-yo?] = Do you like coffee?
네. 좋아해요. [ne. jo-a-hae-yo] = Yes, I like coffee.
커피 좋아해요? [keo-pi jo-a-hae-yo?] = Do you like coffee?
아니요. 안 좋아해요. [aniyo. an jo-a-hae-yo] = No, I don’t like coffee.
커피 안 좋아해요? [keo-pi an jo-a-hae-yo?] = You don’t like coffee?
아니요. 좋아해요. [aniyo. jo-a-hae-yo] = Yes, I like coffee.
커피 안 좋아해요? [keo-pi an jo-a-hae-yo?] = You don’t like coffee?
네. 안 좋아해요. [ne. an jo-a-hae-yo] = No, I don’t like coffee.
Because 네 [ne] and 아니요 [aniyo] are focused more on your agreement and disagreement rather than whether something is true or not, and ALSO because 네 can mean “I see.” or “Ah-ha.” as well, Korean people often add this expression, 맞아요 [ma-ja-yo] after 네 [ne].
네, 맞아요. [ne, ma-ja-yo] = Yes, that’s right.
in Korean, when you say “Good-bye” in formal/polite Korean, 존댓말 [jondaetmal], there are two types of expressions, and both of these expressions have the word 안녕 [an-nyeong] in them.
One is when you are the one who is leaving.
And the other is when you are the one who is staying.
If you are leaving, and the other person is (or the other people are) staying, you can say: 안녕히 계세요. [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] / literal meaning = Stay in peace.
If you are staying, an the other person is (or the other people are) leaving, you can say: 안녕히 가세요. [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo] literal meaning = Go in peace.
NOTE: When Korean people say 안녕하세요 [an-nyeong-ha-se-yo], 안녕히 계세요 [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] or 안녕히 가세요 [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo], they don’t always pronounce EVERY single letter clearly. So often times, what you would hear is just the ending part, “세요” [se-yo].
So you can deliberately sound more fluent by just saying 세요 [se-yo] for all of these occasions.
안녕하세요.[an-nyeong] [ha-se-yo] = Hello. / Hi. / How are you? / Good afternoon. / Good evening. /
안녕[an-nyeong]= well-being, peace, health
하세요 [ha-se-yo]= you do, do you?, please do
안녕하세요 is the most common way of greeting someone in Korean, and 안녕하세요 is in 존댓말 [jondaetmal], polite/formal language. When someone greets you with 안녕하세요, you can simply greet the person back with 안녕하세요.
Sample Conversation
A: 안녕하세요. [annyeong-haseyo] = Hello.
B: 안녕하세요. [annyeong-haseyo] = Hi.
감사합니다.[gam-sa] [hap-ni-da] = Thank you.
감사 [gam-sa] = appreciation, thankfulness, gratitude
합니다 [hap-ni-da] = I do, I am doing
In Korean, “Yes” is 네 [ne] and “No” is 아니요 [aniyo] in 존댓말 [jondaetmal], polite language.
네. [ne] = Yes.
아니요. [aniyo] = No.
But in Korean, when people say “네”, it is not the same as saying “Yes.” in English. The same goes for “아니요” too. This is because the Korean “네” expresses your “agreement” to what the other person said. And “아니요” expresses your “disagreement” or “denial” to what the other person said.
네. [ne] = That’s right. / I agree. / Sounds good. / What you said is correct.
아니요. [aniyo] = That’s not right. / I don’t agree. / What you said is not correct.
Sample sentences:
커피 좋아해요? [keo-pi jo-a-hae-yo?] = Do you like coffee?
네. 좋아해요. [ne. jo-a-hae-yo] = Yes, I like coffee.
커피 좋아해요? [keo-pi jo-a-hae-yo?] = Do you like coffee?
아니요. 안 좋아해요. [aniyo. an jo-a-hae-yo] = No, I don’t like coffee.
커피 안 좋아해요? [keo-pi an jo-a-hae-yo?] = You don’t like coffee?
아니요. 좋아해요. [aniyo. jo-a-hae-yo] = Yes, I like coffee.
커피 안 좋아해요? [keo-pi an jo-a-hae-yo?] = You don’t like coffee?
네. 안 좋아해요. [ne. an jo-a-hae-yo] = No, I don’t like coffee.
Because 네 [ne] and 아니요 [aniyo] are focused more on your agreement and disagreement rather than whether something is true or not, and ALSO because 네 can mean “I see.” or “Ah-ha.” as well, Korean people often add this expression, 맞아요 [ma-ja-yo] after 네 [ne].
네, 맞아요. [ne, ma-ja-yo] = Yes, that’s right.
in Korean, when you say “Good-bye” in formal/polite Korean, 존댓말 [jondaetmal], there are two types of expressions, and both of these expressions have the word 안녕 [an-nyeong] in them.
One is when you are the one who is leaving.
And the other is when you are the one who is staying.
If you are leaving, and the other person is (or the other people are) staying, you can say: 안녕히 계세요. [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] / literal meaning = Stay in peace.
If you are staying, an the other person is (or the other people are) leaving, you can say: 안녕히 가세요. [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo] literal meaning = Go in peace.
NOTE: When Korean people say 안녕하세요 [an-nyeong-ha-se-yo], 안녕히 계세요 [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] or 안녕히 가세요 [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo], they don’t always pronounce EVERY single letter clearly. So often times, what you would hear is just the ending part, “세요” [se-yo].
So you can deliberately sound more fluent by just saying 세요 [se-yo] for all of these occasions.
Super Junior 6jib Photo Teaser
lama sudah gak buka ini. huhuhu. apa yang terjadi saudara-saudara. aku cukup sibuk beberapa bulan belakangan ini. saking sibuknya sampai berat badanpun naik drastis. loh? hwkwk. gak tau kenapa. :(
baiklah kalau begitu.. kita mulai post terbarunya. hihi. :)
udah hampir 5 bulan aku jadi elf nih. dan seperti elf lainnya sangat menanti 6jib yang katanya keluar awal bulan depan.
aku post lagi deh ya teaser photonya di blog ku. aku kan ga mau kalah. hahha. :))
photo teaser pertama yang dirilis SM tanggal 21 juni adalah uri hyukjae aka eunhyuk~*
kalo sebelumnya di publish satu persatu,, kali ini SM merilis 2photo sekaligus; uri Leader dan Eternal Magnaenya SJ~*
selanjutnya tanggal 24 juni giliran Yesung dan Shindong~*
terakhir giliran Siwon dan Kyuhyun yang dirilis~*
apakah kalian sudah siap para elf?? :)
baiklah kalau begitu.. kita mulai post terbarunya. hihi. :)
udah hampir 5 bulan aku jadi elf nih. dan seperti elf lainnya sangat menanti 6jib yang katanya keluar awal bulan depan.
aku post lagi deh ya teaser photonya di blog ku. aku kan ga mau kalah. hahha. :))
photo teaser pertama yang dirilis SM tanggal 21 juni adalah uri hyukjae aka eunhyuk~*
next hari selanjutnya 22 juni giliran si fishy ini nih~*
kalo sebelumnya di publish satu persatu,, kali ini SM merilis 2photo sekaligus; uri Leader dan Eternal Magnaenya SJ~*
selanjutnya tanggal 24 juni giliran Yesung dan Shindong~*
dan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu, akhinya Kangin comeback ke SJ. betapa senangnya. hihi. kali inni photonya di rilis bareng sama photonya si aegyo danhobak prince~*
terakhir giliran Siwon dan Kyuhyun yang dirilis~*
seperti yang dilansir di akun facebooknya SM, album yang keenam ini bertemakan pria-pria cantik . hehe. :)
dan album keenam SJ 'Sexy, Free & Single (섹시, 프리 & 싱글)' akan dirilis tanggal 1 july pukul 00.00 KST di beberapa website musik korea.
apakah kalian sudah siap para elf?? :)
Kamis, 01 Maret 2012
March White Month~~
Bulan dengan tanggal 29 yang langka namun biasa saja.. Haha...
Sampai makhluk kecil itu datang.
Nae saranghaneun goyangi,, Shin Donghee.
Dong untuk donghae,,karna ngerasa pengen ngelindungi aja ngeliat kondisinya; kalo ada yang udah nonton Mistery Sixnya Super Junior...itulah alasannya..
Hee for Heenim aka Heechul yang selalu ceria dan bikin heboh.
Nama itu doa kan? Hha. Tapi sayang,,dia pergi selang beberapa hari setelah dia ditemukan setelah sempat dibawa kabur orangtuanya(?)..tewas mengenaskan ditempat aku menemukannya. Hh. Sesak didada.
Bulan yang membuat entah dengan alasan apa, mereka muncul lagi dihidup saya. Masalalu.
Awal yang indah, dan berakhir dengan indah.
Milo, Lantai 2, ruang karaoke, Lux..over capacity keanya. Tapi untung ga kena charge lagi. Haha. 3lagu terakhir..
Super Junior - Superman
SNSD - Gee
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Flower
Skor paling tinggi selama 2jam dengan sekian belas orang didalamnya.. 92!!! (Kata okky 97. Ntahlah saya lupa. Haha.) untuk Superman.
Saya cocok di RAP keanya. hayo. Ada yang mau ngegaet saya jadi RAPPER??
Hmm. Sekalian menutupi kesedihan kehilangan teman mainku selama 2bulan terakhir. Vini~aku selalu penasaran dengan apa yang ada dipikiranmu(?) apakah ada yang salah dari semua caraku selama 2bulan ini? Aahh~ membuatku semakin sakit dengan penyesalan ini. Kalau saja aku mengerti,.aku mungkin lebih siap. Hahh. Sudahlah. Hanya bisa memohon ampun dari Allah.
Hari spesial untuk 2orang yang paling ku cinta.. Tapi sedang dalam masa pengisian ulang.. Jadi tidak bisa berbuat lebih..
Bulan dengan tanggal 29 yang langka namun biasa saja.. Haha...
Sampai makhluk kecil itu datang.
Nae saranghaneun goyangi,, Shin Donghee.
Dong untuk donghae,,karna ngerasa pengen ngelindungi aja ngeliat kondisinya; kalo ada yang udah nonton Mistery Sixnya Super Junior...itulah alasannya..
Hee for Heenim aka Heechul yang selalu ceria dan bikin heboh.
Nama itu doa kan? Hha. Tapi sayang,,dia pergi selang beberapa hari setelah dia ditemukan setelah sempat dibawa kabur orangtuanya(?)..tewas mengenaskan ditempat aku menemukannya. Hh. Sesak didada.
Bulan yang membuat entah dengan alasan apa, mereka muncul lagi dihidup saya. Masalalu.
Awal yang indah, dan berakhir dengan indah.
Milo, Lantai 2, ruang karaoke, Lux..over capacity keanya. Tapi untung ga kena charge lagi. Haha. 3lagu terakhir..
Super Junior - Superman
SNSD - Gee
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Flower
Skor paling tinggi selama 2jam dengan sekian belas orang didalamnya.. 92!!! (Kata okky 97. Ntahlah saya lupa. Haha.) untuk Superman.
Saya cocok di RAP keanya. hayo. Ada yang mau ngegaet saya jadi RAPPER??
Hmm. Sekalian menutupi kesedihan kehilangan teman mainku selama 2bulan terakhir. Vini~aku selalu penasaran dengan apa yang ada dipikiranmu(?) apakah ada yang salah dari semua caraku selama 2bulan ini? Aahh~ membuatku semakin sakit dengan penyesalan ini. Kalau saja aku mengerti,.aku mungkin lebih siap. Hahh. Sudahlah. Hanya bisa memohon ampun dari Allah.
Hari spesial untuk 2orang yang paling ku cinta.. Tapi sedang dalam masa pengisian ulang.. Jadi tidak bisa berbuat lebih..
Yang pasti aku tetap cinta!
Semua indah bagiku, karna allah masih ngasi kesempatan untuk aku berubah dan memperbaiki semuanya.
Makasih ya allah..
01.00 waktu hape amel
Semua indah bagiku, karna allah masih ngasi kesempatan untuk aku berubah dan memperbaiki semuanya.
Makasih ya allah..
01.00 waktu hape amel
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012
Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
akhirnya~~ hdp part II [final]
aku tau kau bohong dari awal..
aku tau kau bohong di pertengahan hubungan ini..
aku tau kau masih bohong walau semua sudah ku akhiri..
aku ga tau dari mana, tapi aku selalu merasa seperti itu, dan benar saja semuanya akhirnya terbukti juga.
bukan itu alasanku pergi. aku hanya butuh waktu sendiri untuk menyelesaikan semua masalahku yang tak perlu orang lain tau. aku bukan orang yang terlalu suka mengumbar semua masalahku ke orang banyak.
ku pikir kau sudah tau aku.
sudah ku jelaskan sebelumnya.
tapi memang tidak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini.
aku memang memutuskan pergi, disaat aku tidak bisa memperhatikanmu seperti dulu..
kesibukanku ini tidak bisa ku abaikan.
harusnya kau mengerti dan lebih bersabar..
tapi lagi lagi aku tidak akan menuntut kesempurnaan..
melihat kau seperti ini pada saat terakhir kita burhubungan,, aku tidak menyesali keputusanku, kau tau..
dan aku akan melupakanmu..
jangan cari aku lagi...
ini deritaku, apa deritamu..~~~
SHINee me2day Update January 2012 [Translate]
여러분~ 가요대제전 무대 어땠나요? 제 드럼 괜찮았어요? 열심히 하다가…그만 드럼스틱 하나를 잃어버렸어요ㅠㅠ 우리 2012년에두 더 좋은 추억 많이 만들어요~ 항상 너무 고마워요! ^^
how was the festival before? is my drum good? it's a hard work...and at any stop i'm misplaced my drumstick ㅠㅠ but we made a lot of good memories in 2012~ once again thankyou so much! ^^
how was the festival before? is my drum good? it's a hard work...and at any stop i'm misplaced my drumstick ㅠㅠ but we made a lot of good memories in 2012~ once again thankyou so much! ^^
햡삐뉴이어! 오랜만에 모인 91라인 ㅋㅋ 역시 대장이 올려줘야지 캬캬
happy new year! 91 lines in a long time gathered up the boss also gotta kk kyakya
happy new year! 91 lines in a long time gathered up the boss also gotta kk kyakya
^^ happy new year good luck
^^ happy new year good luck
한장 더 투척!! 님들 인권 읍슴ㅋㅋ
post one more!! attack your rights kk
post one more!! attack your rights kk
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 루다커써요!
kkkkkkk Roo has grown up!
kkkkkkk Roo has grown up!
1월12일 드디어개봉합니다. '코알라키드' 많이 기대해주세요! '쟈니'가 된 저도~^^;;
it is finally released on January 12. Please enjoy "Koala Kid" a lot! Johnny come with me too ~^^;;
9 Jan 2012
it is finally released on January 12. Please enjoy "Koala Kid" a lot! Johnny come with me too ~^^;;
9 Jan 2012
오사카 공연장!! 캬캬 태민이랑 같이 소식전해요!
osaka venue!! kyakya reporting this news with taemin!
osaka venue!! kyakya reporting this news with taemin!
Kamis, 05 Januari 2012
selamat tahun baru~~
hoaaahhh... sudah setahun tidak coret-coret disini..
tenang saudara-saudara...saya masih hidup~~
hahhahha. tunggu update-an saya yaa~~
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