1 November 2011
London Go Go!!!!!
6 november 2011
느무느무 재밌었습니다 !! 또가고싶다!
it was so much fun!! i wanna go again!
10 november 2011
수험생 여러분 고생 너무 많으셨어요 !^^ 아… 저도 수능시험 본게 어제인것 같은데 벌써 이년이나 지났네요~ 좋은결과 있어서~ 우리 학교 후배로 ???…^^ 수고 정말 많이 하셨어요~~
examinees you have to work hard !^^ a … i saw it yesterday, it looks like when i take exam over two years~ it was a good result ~ we are in the scool as a junior ???…^^ you really have to work hard~~
23 Nov 2011
오사카가는비행기안에서!!콘서트 잘 하고 오겠습니다!'-'
I’m in plane to Osaka!! To come and do great concert! '-'
26 Nov 2011
드디어 짧고도 길었던 콘서트가 끝났어요… 정말 잊지 못할 추억… 여러분 모두 정말 고맙고 또 고마워요^^ 우리 또 좋은 추억 만들어요~~
Finally ---- on the way the concert is end… really can’t forget it… everyone, thank you and thank you so much^^ we love what we have done too~~
30 Nov 2011
라스베가스에서 즐거운시간! '-'
Las Vegas ----! '-'
sorry for uncomplete translating. don't havve so much time to do this. TT